Erectile dysfunction can occur in men of all ages and occupations. The reasons for such an undesirable condition can be a number of factors, such as stress, wrong diet and sleep regime, busy work schedule, etc. To restore male potency, male potency nuts are often used, which act as a tonic. aphrodisiacs.
The effect of nuts on potency

Scientists suggest that the organic acids contained in walnuts contribute to the "advancement" of spermatozoa.
The use of nuts to increase potency has been carried out since ancient times. The composition of walnut kernels of different varieties has a similar composition. Therefore, the effect they have on the body is almost the same. Nuts contain the following useful substances:
- unsaturated fatty acids. It is from them that the synthesis of sex hormones necessary for male power is carried out.
- Amino acids. They synthesize male hormones such as serotonin and testosterone, which are responsible for increasing sexual desire.
- Vitamins A, B, C and E. Due to their effect on the body, the work of the pelvic organs and in particular the genitourinary system is stimulated.
- Microelements. Once in the digestive system, they are absorbed by the intestinal walls, having a positive effect on the male body. Such components have a direct effect on the male body, helping to improve heart rate and tissue saturation with oxygen.
In addition, nuts actively promote immunity, help fight stress and accelerate thinking processes. Regular consumption of nuts for potency prevents depression.
What types of nuts are most useful for men?
Despite the fact that nuts have a similar composition, there are certain differences between them. Therefore, it is very important to know which nuts to take to increase power. Below we will see which nuts are good for power.
This fruit is rightly considered a source of inexhaustible health. No wonder our ancestors called it the "Tree of Life" because of the nut's unique ability to restore strength.
The main component of the fruit is Omega-3. This fatty acid is an active participant in metabolic processes, contributing to the regulation of hormonal levels and increasing the body's immune defense. Omega-3 deficiency can lead to erectile dysfunction and cause various prostate diseases, including cancer.
If a man eats a large amount of nuts, then he not only takes care of power, but can thus protect his offspring from the development of genetic disorders. Such nuclei can not only improve sperm quality, but also minimize the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
Other equally important components of nuts are:
- B vitamins,
- vitamin C,
- zinc.
The above components are very important for the synthesis of testosterone - the main sex hormone in the male body. With their absence, a decrease in testosterone is observed, as a result of which problems with erection may begin.
Experts advise eating about 15 nuts a day to effectively restore sexual function. It should be remembered that walnut is a product with a high fat content and therefore its abuse leads to obesity problems.
Cashew nuts

This nut has a characteristic sweet taste and is very useful in the fight against male impotence. Its daily use allows you to achieve the following effects:
- Due to the high content of zinc, this fruit is a powerful tool for increasing potency. In addition, with the regular use of cashews rich in zinc, the quality and volume of sperm are significantly improved.
- Another important component of these nuts is vitamin K. Medicines based on it are considered powerful tools in the prevention of cancer (including malignant neoplasms of the prostate).
Shxema has a pleasant taste and high fat content. Its systematic use helps increase good mood, gives the necessary boost of energy. To get a tangible effect, you need to eat about 10-12 cashews a day.
Brazil nut
This variety is somewhat exotic for our country and is not cheap, but it has a number of useful trace elements:
- One of its main ingredients is selenium, which is able to increase testosterone levels and improve sperm quality. In addition, it has a positive effect on sperm motility, which is why the use of Brazil nuts is desirable for men who have problems with conception.
- The second component of these fruits is arginine, which is present in large quantities in the kernels. Therefore, to achieve a positive effect in the fight against impotence, it will be enough to eat no more than three raw nuts per day. Exceeding this daily dose is undesirable, as an excess of selenium can have the opposite effect, being toxic.
If there are nuts for premium male potency, then almonds are the most prominent representative of them. In addition to the bright taste, it boasts a significant content of protein and saturated fat. This makes these fruits an ideal solution for maintaining the optimal balance of testosterone in the male body. Magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamin E, have an additional effect on the hormonal system.
Very important elements for strength are riboflavin, manganese and B2. These substances contribute to the production of energy, which allows you to keep the body in good condition. Thus, with the regular use of almonds, the body is able to cope with increased stress and its endurance increases. In order for the benefits of nuts for strength to become tangible, it is necessary to consume 10 grains per day.

Another popular variety of power-enhancing nuts due to the following features:
- The kernels of this nut are known for their high content of vitamin E. Therefore, with the regular use of hazelnuts, it is possible not only to preserve male strength, but also to have a beneficial effect on the body. This component is simply necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system, eliminating the risk of cholesterol plaques and preventing the possibility of a heart attack.
- The high iron content contributes to the improvement of the hematopoietic function and stimulates the blood circulation process. But it is he who is the key to a healthy power.
The high efficiency of taking hazelnuts for potency is ensured by the daily use of up to 15 grains.
Pine nuts for potency in men
Cedar is not for nothing considered a symbol of true Siberian strength. Therefore, it is not surprising that pine nuts were used in ancient times to maintain men's health. Being the strongest aphrodisiac, these nuts help in potency, being used both for the prevention and treatment of sexual disorders.
The important components of pine nuts are:
- Lysine protein. It promotes the breakdown of fats, ensuring complete saturation of the body with energy. Thanks to lysine, it is possible to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
- Vitamin E. Provides a positive effect of nuts on potency and the male reproductive system as a whole.
- Zinc and iodine. Without these components, men's health is simply unimaginable.
Daily intake of 10-15 pine nuts will restore strength.
Without a doubt, these are the best nuts for potency. Many people know that pistachios contain folic acid. It is most often mentioned as an important component for women's health, but for men it is no less important. The lack of this substance causes various hormonal disorders and sperm deterioration.
It is believed that if you take 15 of these nuts a day for three weeks, then sexual function improves in about 90% of men. In addition, pistachios are an excellent remedy for cardiovascular diseases and potency problems. Their important advantage is the presence of a large amount of unsaturated fats that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Such nuts are perfectly stored in dried form, without losing their useful properties throughout the year. The same goes for nutmeg for potency.
How to use nuts to increase power

With the regular use of nuts in various dishes, you can achieve a full healing effect.
It's not enough to know which nuts increase potency, you also need to understand their proper use. Nuts themselves are a very tasty product, so you can use them both fried and raw. They are an excellent addition to various meals and salads, hot dishes and drinks.
For male strength, the optimal ratio is given by using the following products in combination with nuts:
- sour cream,
- honey,
- vegetables.
Nuts for potency with honey is a classic recipe. Honey contains a large amount of fructose and glucose, vitamins of various groups and a number of trace elements. The combination of these products can have a strong effect on the male reproductive system. Thus, it is possible to improve blood circulation in the body and in the reproductive system in particular, remove signs of fatigue and establish the process of hormone production.
Eating walnuts with sour cream has also been proven effective. Yogurt in this case contributes to the accelerated absorption of nutrients, the content of which is rich in cashew nuts, almonds and other varieties. With the regular use of nuts in sour cream, you can achieve a full healing effect.
For the preparation of various recipes with nuts, it is recommended to use homemade fat yogurt. Thus, the possibility of the presence of various artificial ingredients in it is completely excluded. In addition, the farm's natural product is rich in protein and calcium. Yogurt itself contributes to the production of sperm, increasing its quality and quantity.
Regular use of nuts for potency will allow you to forget about the problems related to sex life forever. It is a natural and effective way to overcome erectile dysfunction and improve the quality of life.